Fantastic Five Chicken Coop Décor Ideas You Should know

Chickens seem to have become preferred and cherished backyard pets of late. And it is not just a trending phase that will subside; backyard chicken keeping is here to stay.

Outdoor chicken decor items, especially chicken coops, have also become popular and functional as more and more people show keen interest in raising a backyard flock.

A chicken coop is specifically designed and made to provide your sweet pets with a sheltered spot where they can stay safe, comfortable, and lay their eggs.If you’re considering buying one then please note that a good coop doesn’t need to be fancy.

Rather, it should be more of a functional product. It should have nesting boxes with ample space, and filled with soft nesting materials. It should be sturdy and wide, and well-ventilated.

Galvanized wire grid ensures you keep an eye on your pets and enables them to notice the surroundings and get enough fresh air. A chicken coop should also have a pitched asphalt roof that keeps rain away to provide a perfect sleeping area.

That said, you canalways add a bit of fun to your outdoor chicken décor items.Read more to learn how to deck your coop and make them look unique and fun!

  1. Nesting Box Curtains

Chickens instinctively look out for the most secluded spot to lay their eggs, but that’s not the only reason. You can use visually attractive material to put curtains on a rod fixed in the coop. You can use velcro, staples, or nail fabric. When the curtains get dirty and stained,you can take them down for laundering!

  1. Coop Herbs

Fresh herbs make your coop look and smell fantastic. You can place them on windowsills or suspend them from hooks or a pegboard. Herbs have been proved to repel against mites besides offering your chickens a tasty treat to munch on. Some good choices are thyme, basil, lavender, and mint.

  1. Vinyl Wallpaper

A good looking coops needs wallpaper to get dressed for success! In place of traditional wallpaper, you can consider using vinyl wallpaper or shelf liner on the walls. Vinyl wallpaperprevents mites and other insects from penetrating into the wood to hide. It also makes cleanup extremely easy. Using a wet sponge will quickly wipe the walls clean and make them as good as new again.

4.Decorative Thermometers

Chickens are quite vulnerable to heat exhaustion, so keeping an eye on the coop’s temperature is vital for their well-being and safety. Using hanging decorative thermometers can help you keep track of the temperature besides adding to your outdoor chicken décor. It can be as big and elaborate as you would like—the chickens won’t mind.

  1. Light Fixtures

Other interesting outdoor chicken coop décor is a chandelier or luxe light fixture hanging from the ceiling. Stringing strands of Christmas lights give your coop a festive look for the holidays, and the same is with homemade pine garlands.

It’s evident that adding a bit of chicken outdoor décor is both visually appealing and functional. What’s stopping you? Go ahead and get decorating today!